Remove/Cancel a Single Occurrence for Event with Multiple Meetings

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Sign In link and enter your email address and password.
  3. Click the Go to Search link.
  4. Select Events in the Select Object box.
  5. Enter the event title in the search box and click Search.
  6. Click the Name link for the class, expanding the event.

    screenshot highlighting the name of the course in the search results
  7. Click the Edit Event link.
    Note: The event opens in the Details view. Other options are listed across the screen. Access to these options are based on a user's security.
  8. Click the View All Occurrences button.

    screenshot highlighting the view all occurrences button
  9. Click the drop-down arrow in the State box and change the Status to Cancelled.
    NOTE: If the room has not been assigned you may cancel a single occurrence by  clicking the Remove link.

    screenshot highlighting the Cancelled option in the State drop-down menu
  10. Click Close at the bottom of the screen.
  11. Click Save.
  12. To verify the cancellation, select the Occurrences link. The cancelled occurrence will show in the expanded view. An occurrence that has been removed will no longer show in the list.

Cancel a Single Occurrence for Event with Multiple Meetings (pdf)