FERPA Restrictions - View

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy rights of a student's education record. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under any program administered by the U.S. Department of Education.

Under FERPA, schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" or "public" information about a student, such as name, address or dates of attendance, provided the student has a reasonable opportunity to restrict the disclosure of such information.

How to Identify FERPA Restrictions

In UAConnect, the privacy shade icon FERPA Shade indicates that all or part of a student's directory public information is restricted from release to other parties. The shade icon only displays for students that have restricted any or part of the directory information.

Screenshot pointing out the privacy shade icon in the upper right corner ator

  1. Click the shade icon ferpa shade to open the Non-Releasable FERPA Directory Information page and view the restrictions.

    FERPA restrictions
  2. Click Return to continue.

You can also view the student's entire FERPA Directory Information Hold page by opening the Navigator and going to Campus Community, then Personal Information, Biographical, Person FERPA and then FERPA Dir Restriction - Inq.

screenshot of FERPA restrictions page

FERPA Restrictions - View (pdf)