Holds (Service Indicators) - Codes
This chart lists current negative service indicator codes along with a description of the hold, the services impacted by the placement of the hold, and who the student should contact to have the hold removed.
Faculty/Advisors may remove an advising hold regardless of any additional holds on a student's account.
- AENR* = Cannot Add or Enroll in classes
- DENR** = Allows Add, No Drops Allowed
- CENR*** = No Enrollment Activity Allowed
- IENR**** = Initial Enrollment
ADV | Advising Required | CENR** | Advisor/Acad Dept |
AML | See Registrar | CENR**, Diploma, Transcript | See Registrar |
ADV | Law Second Advisor Required | 2nd Advisor/Dept | |
ALD | No Diploma Release | Diploma | Registrar |
ALT | No Transcript Release | Transcript | Registrar |
ATH | No Drop for Athletes | DENR*** | |
CHK | Returned Check-No Checks Allowed | No Checks Accepted for Payment | Student Accounts |
OSI | Departmental Service Invoice | Pam Reeves 575-5822 | |
EFS | ENGR Ft Smith NO DROP | DENR*** | UAF ENGR Dean Office |
F10 | Past Due Student Account | Diploma, Transcript | Student Accounts |
F50 | Past Due Student Account | AENR*, Diploma, Transcript | Student Accounts |
FHL | Past Due Student Account | AENR*, Diploma, Transcript | Student Accounts |
FE1 | Past Due Parking Account | Diploma, Transcript | Parking/Transit |
FE2 | Past Due Parking Account | AENR*, Diploma, Transcript | Parking/Transit |
GNS | Fail to Respond - 3rd Notice | AENR* | Student Services |
GNS | Judicial Board | AENR* | Student Services |
GNS | Housing Coordinator | AENR* | Student Services |
GNS | INS Reporting Compliance | Int'I Programs Office | |
GNS | Late Sanctions | AENR* | Student Services |
GNS | Hold for Re-Enroll | AENR* | Student Services |
GRAD | Graduate School Hold | AENR* | Graduate School |
INV | Past Due Invoice | AENR*, Diploma, Transcript | Student Accounts |
INS | Immigration Status | CENR** | Office of Int'I Students/Scholars |
LON | Past Due Student Loan | AENR*, Diploma, Transcript | Student Accounts |
NRF | No Student Refund Allowed | Verifying Eligibility of Refund | Student Accounts |
OMG | OMGT Student Hold | AENR*, Diploma, Transcript | OMGT Office 575-7426 |
ONE | One Term Admit | IENR**** | Admissions |
ONE | Arrival-Admit Requirements Not Met | IENR**** | Int'I Adm Office |
ONE | One Term Requirements | IENR**** | Grad & Int'I Admissions |
REG | MMR Immunization Record Needed | AENR* | Health Center |
REGR | Academic Standing | AENR* | Registrar's Office |
REGR | Employee Waiver hold | Not eligible for priority registration | Registrar's Office |
REG | Health Insurance Needed | AENR* | Health Center |
REG | No Registration Activity | AENR* | Registrar's Office |
REG | Advising Hold for OCP | Must be advised re:8 sem Plan | Academic Advisor |
REG | Senior Citizen Waiver Hold | Not eligible for priority registration | Registrar's Office |
SRG | Student Financials No Registration | AENR* | Treasure's Office |
TIV | Title IV Refund Inquiry | Return of Title IV Fund Process | Student Accounts |
WOF | Student Account Write Off | CENR**, Diploma, Transcript | Student Accounts |