Enrollment Verification

You can print or view an unofficial copy of your Enrollment Verification or request that the university mail an official copy to a specified address.


Print or View an Unofficial Copy

  1. Click the Academic Records tile on your Student homepage.
  2. Click the My Academics link in the left menu.
  3. Click Request Enrollment Verification.

    screenshot highlighting the Enrollment Verification link


Unofficial Enrollment Verification

  1. Select Allow to Print from My Browser from the processing options drop-down menu. This allows you to view or print an unofficial copy of your enrollment verification.
  2. Check the boxes of the items you would like to include on the enrollment verification.

    screenshot of Select Processing Options form
  3. Select the Include My Program and Plan check box to include your academic college and major on your enrollment verification.

    screenshot example of report with current program of study
  4. Check the Include my Term and Cum GPA check box to include a term GPA for each term and the cumulative GPA for the career.

    screenshot example of units/GPA/status in report
  5. Use the Select desired term drop-down menu if you wish to have enrollment verification for a specific term. If a term is not selected, all terms will be included on the enrollment verification.
  6. Click Submit to view your selections.
  7. Click the Printer Friendly Version link at the bottom of the page to print an unofficial copy of the enrollment verification.


Official Enrollment Verification

  1. To request that an official copy of your enrollment verification be mailed from the Office of the Registrar, select Request Institution to Mail from the drop-down menu on the Request Verification page.
  2. Select the options you want included on the report.
  3. Select a specific term to be listed from the drop-down. If a term is not selected, all terms will be included on the verification form.

    processing options with Request Institution to Mail selected
  4. Enter the Number of Copies Required.
  5. Check the Send to My Address check box.
  6. Select the Address type from the drop-down menu.
  7. Type the name of the person to receive the report in the Send To field.

    screenshot highlighting the Add, Delete and Edit Address options
  8. You are now returned to the request Enrollment Verification page.
  9. Click Submit to complete the request.

    screenshot highlighting submit button
  10. You will receive confirmation that your request was successful. Your Enrollment Verification will be mailed within three business days.

Enrollment Verification (pdf)