Criteria Condition Types

The following criteria condition types help you refine queries with conditions other than the default Equal To condition:

  • Between: The value in the selected record field falls between two comparison values. The range is inclusive.

  • Equal to: The value in the selected record field exactly matches the comparison value.

  • Exists: This operator is different from the others in that it does not compare a record field to the comparison value. The comparison value is a subquery. If the subquery returns any data, Query Manager returns the corresponding row.

  • Greater than: The value in the record field is greater than the comparison value.

  • In list: The value in the selected record field matches one of the comparison values in a list.

  • In tree: The value in the selected record field appears as a node in a UAConnect query tree. The comparison value for this operator is a tree or branch of a tree that you want Query Manager to search.

  • Is null: The selected record field does not have a value in it. You do not specify a comparison value for this operator. Key fields, required fields, character fields and numeric fields do not allow null values.

  • Less than: The value in the record field is less than the comparison value.

  • Like: The value in the selected field matches a specified string pattern. The comparison value may be a string that contains wildcard characters. Query Manager recognizes wildcard characters: Percent (%) and Underscore (_).

Criteria Condition Types (pdf)